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Silver's Reviews

Also the owner of:  http://silversolara.blogspot.com I enjoy reading historical fiction and mystery. I live in Pennsylvania and am a retired business teacher.



The Quailities of Wood

The Qualities of Wood - Mary Vensel White

Strange situations, strange characters, lots of secrets, and a small town.

QUALITIES OF WOOD has all of the above and more.  It mainly includes a beautiful, flowing writing style ​and an interesting​ storyline. The author masterfully keeps you wondering about the makeup of ​each character and the secrets that you know they are keeping.​

You will follow the main characters, Vivian and Nowell, through their present lives as well as their pasts.  As Vivian and Nowell settle into a family home they are going to renovate and as they ​meet their neighbors, Vivian questions Nowell's past as well as the neighbors' pasts.

You will also get a glimpse into Vivian's teenage years as the author takes you back and forth in time.  This was well done by having the flashback trigger something in Vivian's mind at the current moment and connect it to her past.​

Does this small town have secrets they keep from each other?  Do the neighbors really know each other? What was it that happened years ago that has everyone suspicious of each other?

Throughout the book there is a tension that the author perfectly conveys through her amazing writing style.  The characters all seem to get along, but you feel something isn't right. The way Ms.White can make you feel the fright, the tension, the distrust, the betrayal, and the sneaking, ulterior motives going on is excellent.  ​

THE QUALITIES OF WOOD​ is a subtle thriller and a book you won't want to read if you are alone or at night.  I became complete​l​y engrossed in the characters and the storyline. I imagine you will  do the same and try to figure out what’s behind each character.

The ending sort of wrapped up the plot, but there was something that didn’t satisfy me.  Regardless, it was a great read and a great debut novel. 4/5

I received a copy of this book from the publisher free of charge and without compensation in return for an honest review.​

Source: http://silversolara.blogspot.com